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  • Gaming to learn: the Web 2.0 learning experience
  • Posted By:
  • Jamie K
  • Posted On:
  • 01-Jun-2009
  • Video games were regarded as one of the evils that plagued our children. They made the kids go awry and miss school homework and studies. They were violent and stupid. They turned us into stupid people. Well, this was the general perception before.

    But now a new research conducted in Scotland along with the United Kingdom government states that Web 2.0 and gaming actually make a difference to acquire education and student experience.

    New research from Scotland and the UK Government shows that Web 2.0 and gaming can and do make a difference to educational attainment and student experience. Since the past six years when Web 2.0 learning began, there is being research gathered to see whether it really improves the learning of students or the learning experience amongst students. Early research showed that Web 2.0 learning did not kill the curiosity in the students and there were healthy questions thrown to check the validity of the data on the Net. A layer of skepticism was seen when it came to statistics and numbers. Students need the comfortable zone where their peers have also checked out the stuff and are approved by them. Students also blamed egoistic teachers for not accepting their faults and not changing the wrong data.

    There have been instances where students are trying and testing the various tools offered by Web 2.0 and this shows in their work. They are getting a good grip on various graphics and styles. This increases their confidence in their work. It has helped to encourage student’s participation and engage them with various activities. Especially amongst students who are loners and do not easily mingle with one and all. These students can make use of the web tools that enable them to videos and pod casts. Many teachers also have reported that by using the social networking technology can encourage online discussions with other students outside school. They can interact with such students through forums posted on the web. Plus the best part is that we can access the Web 2.0 at anytime from anywhere. This fact encourages extended learning to individuals and they are encouraged to further investigate a particular topic. It also enhances their research skills. Web tools like blogs and pod casts encourage students to publish their written work and get feed back from other people. It will help them to shed their fears. Also teachers might read these and encourage peer assessments amongst students.

    Many recommendations state that all teachers need to explore many complex web tools and work more with Web 2.0 in their classrooms. This will help them direct the students to learn with such tools. Also it helps students to realize what they can realistically with technology. Although using technology is good but one cannot be sure of what young minds can do. Therefore, it is good that they are given teacher’s guidance.

    There are a wide variety of things that can be done over the net. Social networking has opened many doors and opportunities. There are many researches going on to find out more about the opportunities of Web 2.0.

    Therefore, we suggest that we all explore the possibilities of the Web 2.0. There are tons of things that can be done through the Internet. But students need guidance so as to never divert from the right path.

    Education has definitely become easier and more interesting after the advent of We 2.0. therefore, it is important that we make use of and explore new Web 2.0 tools that come up everyday.

    So best of luck and go on to explore more…



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